Unity and Progress Slate


We believe that affordable, quality, accessible healthcare for all is a human right...

As healthcare workers it is our goal to provide that care to everyone in our community who has a need and to eliminate barriers that prevent our neighbors, families and friends from receiving the care we provide. Profit motives, compromised government policies, inefficient systems, and ignorant bosses all stand between us and the people who need our care.

We believe in an economy that benefits everyone, not just the wealthy few. All workers deserve a wage that supports a family, paid time off for leisure, and a dignified retirement. All workers and all work should be treated with dignity and respect.

We believe the best way to achieve this vision of a just society is for all healthcare workers to be united in one big union and to use our strength and moral authority-through organizing, collective bargaining, politics and community action-to win the health care system and the economy we all deserve.